Created: 22.03.2020
Opava in Pictures
Silesian Museum - the oldest and third largest museum in the Czech Republic, founded in 1814 but the historical exposition building was build in 1895, the museum also cares for other objects, such as the World War II Memorial in Hrabyně, the Czechoslovak Fortification Complex, the Petr Bezruč Memorial and the Nový Dvůr Arboretum
Silesian Theatre - built in 1805, in 1948 the facade was changed from Neo-Renaissance style to Social Realism, in 1957 and administration building was built in the back, the building was changed back into Neo-Renaissance style in 1995
Our Lady of the Assumption Co-Cathedral - a 14th century Silesian Gothic church with three naves and two towers, it is known for its characteristic red brick and a supporting pillar
Breda Department Store - used to be the biggest department store in the Czechoslovak Republic, built in 1928 by the company Breda & Weinstein and designed by architect Leopold Bauer, in the Communist era it was known as Průkopník and Prior, since 2012 it is closed because of its dilapidated state
Hláska Tower - the city lookout clocktower and city hall, the first wooden lookout from the 14th century served for trading and as the seat of the city council and court, it was destroyed by a storm, the new tower was finished in 1618, in 1971 a fountain was built in front of it that became the Sun in the model of the Solar System, it is commonly called Koule
Slezské divadlo |
kostel svatého Vojtěcha |
Obecní dům |
(Švédská) kaple svatého Kříže |
Slezské zemské muzeum |
konkatedrála Nanebevzetí Panny Marie |
památník Petra Bezruče |
kostel svaté Hedviky |
památník Opavské synagogy |
knihovna Petra Bezruče |
kostel svatého Václava a Dominikánský klášter |
obchodní dům Breda |
Hláska |
kostel svatého Ducha a Minoritský klášter |
památník II světové války - Hrabyně |
arboretum Nový Dvůr |
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