Sunday, 23 December 2018

English 101

English 101 - How to learn better?

Useful Tips

The best way is to find something you love and do it in English!

  • Watch your favourite films and series! 
Most films and series are originally in English, co why settle for the translated version? You can enjoy the full performance of the actor and hear a lot of different accents. Start with something for kids, like cartoons or animated films, they are easier to understand. If you choose a series from a medical setting, you can learn useful vocabulary too. If you need subtitles, always download the English version. Don't give up! It takes time and some getting used to, but it's worth it!
This will improve your listening skills, understanding in real time, guessing meaning from context... and so much more!

  • Read your favourite books and articles!
Some of the best books ever written are in English, so why settle for a translation? Start with easier books, like young adult fiction or articles in Simple English, like on Wikipedia. You can also read FanFiction about your favourite franchise (try or, many of these are written by highschool English learners just like you! The firsh few pages are tough, you need the dictionary all the time, but it gets better!
This will improve your reading skills, comprehension, guessing meaning from context... broaden you vocabulary and see how grammar is used!
  • Listen to music!
Music uses language in a very specific way and in can improve your language skills. Listen for the word, try to understand the lyrics, translate words you don't know... and sing along!
This will also help your pronunciation, you will learn proper stress and intonation, which is also important... we all sing sometimes, put it to good use!
Recommendation: start with easier genres, such as pop... genres such as rap are usually very difficult, because rappers use slang language.

  • Use social media!
English surrounds us every day on social media like Facebook or YouTube, use it! There are so many channels, podcasts, websites, blogs, games... just find one that interests you. Subscribe to a page with useful advice about English, read English memes, play a vocabulary game or just Like a site with great videos in English. This way, you can get a little piece of learning in your daily life and it will be fun! Don'd be afraid to start small, download useful advice and share with others. And of course, try finding an English speaking friend!
I recommend: IFLScience, Akinator, Quizlet, TED Talks, Very British Problems, EnglishIF, Sarah's Scribbles, Piled Higher and Deeper, Maxine, Superwoman, Anna Akana...

  • Use English dictionaries!
Bilingual dictionaries are good, if you need to understand the word fast, but they are not always the best choice for you. Without deep knowledge of English, the translation from one language to another might not make any sence. Translate word by word, choose the proper meaning, consider context and grammar... using a dictionary is also a skill you need to learn.
Try using dictionaries only in English, they explain the word instead and use examples. This is a very useful skill for life ehich will help you to comminicate better. You don't always need to know every word, just be resourceful and don't be afraid to make mistakes.
The best ones: Cambridge Dictionary (offers Learner's version) and Oxford Dictionary (offers a Thesaurus)
I also use: Urban Dictionary, RhymeZone,

  • Stay motivated!
Learning a language is not easy, you need to work hard every day. Having a goal really helps, because to speak English is not a goal itself. A language is just a tool that can help you improve your life. Know what you want. Is your goal just to pass your final exam? Are you hoping to study or work abroad? Or do you wish to change your life completely and a foreign language can be usuful for that?
A very wise Czech proverb says: "Kolik jazyků umíš, tolikrát jsi člověkem."
This is really true, because knowing another language does not just give you the ability to communicate. It gives you access to new cultures, new ways of thinking, it broadens your horisons in every way.

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