Updated: 21.09.2023
Environment, Ecology and Pollution Vocabulary
coral reef - korálový útes
high tow - příliv
low tide - odlivocean - oceán
sea level - hladina mořesewer - kanalizace
tsunami - tsunami
(waste)water treatment plant - čistička odpadních vod
atmosphere - atmosféra
fresh air - čerstvý vzduch
mountain air - horský vzduch
oxygen - kyslík
wind farm - větrné elektrárny
wind power - větrná energie
air pollution - znečištění ovzduší
cargo ships - nákladní lodě
CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) - freony
chimney - komín
destroy - ničitdestruction - zničení
factory - továrna
fossil fuels - fosilní paliva
oil spill - ropná skvrna
pollute - znečišťovat
pollution - znečištění
smog (smoke + fog) - smog (kouř + mlha)
toxic chemical - toxická chemikálie
trash - odpadky
climate change - změna klimatu
evolution - evoluce
evolve - vyvinout se
extinction - vymírání
global warming - globální oteplování
greenhouse effect - skleníkový efekt
ice cap - ledová čepice
ice sheet / continental glacier - ledový příkrov
polar (ice) cap - polární čepička
shark hunting - lov žraloků
solar power - sluneční energie
whaling - lov velryb
cause pollution - způsobit znečištění
harm sea creatures - ublížit, uškodit mořským živočichům
make a difference - udělat rozdíl, mít vliv, mít význam
make compost - kompostovat
protect wildlife - chránit volnou přírodu
recycle packaging - recyklovat obaly
reduce waste - snížit produkci odpadu, méně plýtvat
Natural Environment, Environmental Protection and Ecology
The environment composes of all living species, climate and the overall conditions of the Earth. Because of humans, natural environments are disappearing. People transform landscapes and sometimes create absolutely artificial environments.
Environmental protection is the practise of protecting natoral environment. Individuals, organizations and governments conserve natural resources and the existing natural environment and repair damage and reverse harmful trends. Since the 1960s, environmental movements have created more awarness of environmental problems.
Ecology is the study of the relationships of living organisms and their environment. It studies ecosystems, adaptation of organisms and biodiversity. It has a practical application in conservation and resource management, and also urban planning and community health.
Pollution is the contamination of natural environment that causes change. Today, pollution causes millions of deaths every year, one in six deaths is caused by it. Ait pollution is the most dangerous, but other types, such as litter, noise, plastic soil contamination and water pollution, are also harmful.
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