Wednesday, 27 May 2020

Sport and Games Vocabulary

Updated: 23.09.2023

Sport, Games and Hobbies Vocabulary

General Vocabulary
active - aktivní
adventure games - dobbrodružné hry
be good at - být dobrý v
bet / play the pools - sázet
break the record - překonat rekord
championship - mistrovství
coach - trenér
combat - zápas, boj, konflikt
competition - soutěž, konkurence
contest - soutěž
cup - pohár
draw - remíza / remizovat
dressing room / locker room / changing room - šatna, převlékárna
eight-lane track - osmi dráhová trať
fitness centre - posilovna, kondiční centrum
flood lights - reflektory
gym (gymnasium) - posilovna
grandstand - tribuna
helmet - helma
indoor sports - sporty dělané uvnitř
jury - porota
keep fit - udržovat se v kondici
kite - papírový drak
lose / loser - prohrát / poražený
match - zápas
outdoor sports - sporty dělané venku
padding - chrániče
PE (physical education) - tělocvik
physical - fyzický
racing - závodění
referee - rozhodčí
role-playing games (RPG) - hry ve kterých hráč hraje určitou roli
rope - provaz
rucksack - batoh
rules - pravidla
safety harness - bezpečnostní postroj
score - skóre
skill - schopnost
soundproof - odzvučněné, zvykotěsné
spectator - divák
speed - rychlost
sports facilities - sportovní zařízení
sports ground - sportovní hřiště
strength - síla
take part in - zúčastnit se
take place - konat se
team - družstvo
train / practise - trénovat, cvičit
warm up - rozcvička
win / winner - zvítězit / vítěz

athletics track - atletická dráha, dráha pro atletiku
body building - kulturistika
body styling - posilování
discus throw - hod diskem
hammer throw - hod kladivem
hurdle race - běh přes překážky
jevelin throw - hod oštěpem
pole vault - skok o tyči
relay - štafeta
running - běh
shot put - vrh koulí
spikes - tretry
steeplechase - překážkový běh
throwing - hod
track - závodní dráha
track and fields events - lehkoatletické disciplíny
triple jump - trojskok
walking race - (rychlostní) chůze
warm up - rozcvička

Ball Sports
badminton - badminton
baseball - basebal
basket - koš
basketball - basketbal
bat - pálka
criket - kriket
field - pole, hřiště
goal - gól, branka
goalkeeper - brankář
golf - golf
golf club - golfová hůl
golf course - golfové hřiště
handball - házená
netball - netbal
table tennis - stolní tenis
tennis racket - tenisová raketa
tennis court - tenisový kurt

ballet - balet
ballroom dancing - společenské tance
dance studio - taneční studio
latin dance (rhythm dance) - latinskoamerické tance
standard dance (smooth dance) - standartní tance

Football Sports
football games - hry fotbalového typu
football pitch / field / ground - fotbalové hřiště
score a goal - skórovat gól

     association football / soccer - fotbal
from England, 11 players in a team, limited-contact sport

     rugby - ragby
from England, 13 or 15 players in a team, full-contact sport

     american football - americký fotbal
from the US, 11 players in a team, they wear pads and helmets, full-contact sport

battleship / sea battle - lodě
board games - deskové hry
card games - karetní hry
chess - šahy
crossword (puzzle) - křížovka
darts - šipky
dice - kostka, kostky
dungeons & dragons (D&D) - dračí doupě, dračák
gambling / betting - sázení, hazardní hry
hangman - šibenice, oběšenec
jigsaw puzzle - puzzle
pawn - figurka, pěšec
rock paper scissors - kámen nůžky papír
Rubik's Cube - Rubikova kostka
snooker - kulečník
strategy - strategie
yo-yo - jojo
video games - video hry

beam - kladina
buck - skákací koza
climbing pole - tyč na šplhání
dumb-bell - činka
head stand - stojka
hoops - obruč
horizontal bar - hrazda
knee bends - dřepy
mat - žíněnka, podložka
parallel bars - bradla
push ups - kily
ribbon - stuha
rope - lano, provaz
sit ups - sedy lehy
springboard - odrazový můstek
vaulting box - švédská bedna
wallbars - žebřiny

Martial Arts
boxing - box
boxing ring - boxerský ring
combat sport - úpolový sport, bojový sport
fencing - šerm
judo - judo
karate - karate
martial arts - bojové umění
MMA (mixed martial arts) - MMA
self-defense - sebeobrana
sword - kord, meč
weapon - zbraň
wire mask - drátěná maska
wrestling - zápasení

BMXing - off-roadové závodění na kole
cross country running / orienteering - orientační běh
cycling - cyklistika
horse racing - závodění na koni
horse riding - jezdectví
karting - závody na motokárách
motocross - motokros
mountain biking - závody na horském kole
racewalking - sportovní chůze
rallying - rallye
sports car racing - závody sportovních vozů
steeplechase (horse racing) - dostiny

aim at the target - mířit na cíl
airsoft - airsoft
archery - lukostřelba
arrow - šíp
bow - luk
gun - střelná zbraň
hit - trefit (se)
miss - minout
paintball - paintball

Water Sports
backstroke swimming - plavat znak
boat - loďka
bodyboarding - surfování v leže
breaststroke swimming - plavat prsa
butterflystroke swimming - plavat motýlka
canoeing - kanoistika
crawl - kraul
dinghy /diƞi/ - člun, loďka
diving / dive - potápění / potápět
jet-skiing - jízda na vodním skútru
kayaking - ježdění na kajaku
life jacket - záchranná vesta
oar - veslo (do jedné ruky)
paddle - pádlo (do obou rukou)
rowing / row - veslaření / veslovat
sailing - plachtění, jachtění
surfing - surfování
swimming pool - bazén
swimming jacket - záchranná vesta
water skiing - vodní lyžování

Winter Sports
bobsleigh - boby
chair lift - sedačková lanovka
cross-country skiing - běžkování
downhill skiing - sjezdové lyžování
figure skating - krasobruslení
goggles - lyžařské brýle
hockey stick - hokejka
ice hockey - lední hokej
ice rink - kluziště
luge - rychlostní sáňkování
mittens - palčáky
pads - chrániče
poles - hole
puck - puk
skating - bruslení
ski pass - spi pass
ski run - sjezdovka
ski tow - kotva, vlek
slalom - slalom
sled / sledge / sleigh - sáně
snowboarding - snowboarding
speed skating - rychlopbruslení

Other Activities and Places
abseiling - slaňování
acting - herectví
aerobics - aerobik
ballet - balet
bowling - bogling
bowling alley - místnost s bowlingovými dráhami
bungee jumping - bungee jumping
cake baking - pečení dortů
camping - kempování
climbing wall - stěna na lezení
collect stamps - sbírat známky
DIY (do it yourself) - kutilství
draw - kreslit
fishing - rybaření
gardening - zahradničení
golf - golf
golf course - golfové hřiště
hiking / backpacking - pěší turistika
jogging / running - běh (pro radost)
knitting - pletení
paint - malovat
performing arts - múzická umění, scénická, performtivní
pottery - hrnčířství, keramika
rock climbing - horolezectví
rollerblading - jízda na in-line kolečkových bruslích
sewing - šití
skateboarding - jízda na skateboardu
sunbathing - opalování
take photos - fotit
weight lifting - vzpírání, posilování
weights room - poslilovna (místnost určená přímo k posilování)
yoga - jóga

Collocations with do, play and go

          We normally use do with individual sports and activities not ending in -ing, but we use it with all combat sports and martial arts.
athletics, gymnastics, sports, weights, yoga
judo, karate, martial arts, boxing
ballet, drama, yoga

          We normally use play with team sports, ball sports, games and musical instruments.
basketball, football, golf, ice hockey, table tennis, volleyball
board games, chess, a musical instrument, the piano

          We normally use go with sports and activities ending in -ing.
bowling, cycling, running, skateboarging
camping, hiking, shopping

Friday, 22 May 2020

Photo Comparison

Created: 22.05.2020

Photo Comparison (1 min)

When comparing pictures, point out the obvious similarities and differences. Focus on the important and point out the interesting details. Do not repeat "in the first picture" / "in the second picture" and "here" and "there" more than once, you don't have time for it. You can speculate about the pictures.
          Speculate about how the people are feeling and say which picture you prefer and why. Be creative, give the pictures some context. Imagine a situation where both of the pictures would be presented to you.
          Speak in longer sentences. Use adjectives and adverbs. Explain your observations and give examples. Use the given structure to present the similarities and differences. Use the phrases from Photo Description to help you.
          Use grammar connected to comparisons, especially the comparative form of adjectives (bigger). When things are similar, you can use the as ... as phrase (as tall as Peter). You can also compare the situation by using too (too small) and enough (old enough, enough milk). Similes are sometimes used in English when comparing (as pretty as a picture).

Useful Phrases

You can see... in both photos.
Both photos show...
The common theme in the photos is...
In both photos there are...
The room in photo A is as bright as the room in picture B.
The pictures are similar in some ways.
There is a huge similarity in both pictures.
Both pictures have something in common. / These pictures have a lot in common.

In the first photo ..., but in the second photo...
While here, the people are..., they aren't...
One obvious difference is that...
Unlike the first, the second shows...
In contrast to the first photo, the second photo...
Picture A shows ..., whereas B shows...
But unlike the first, the second photo doesn't show...
Another difference is that...
Picture A is more ... than Picture B. / Picture A is less ... than Picture B.
The house in A looks smaller than the one in B. However, I think it is cosier.
... but in the othere picture, there is ...
These pictures are completely different.
Picture A is very different from Picture B. / They have nothing in common.
In comparison with the first picture, the second picture seems...

indoors / outdoors
traditional / modern
identical / different
unique / common


Fun and Games
Task Two

Look at both pictures once more and compare them (what is similar / the same / different). The following ideas may help you:

➧ place 
➧ people (age, gender, clothes)
➧ activities
➧ weather and season
➧ atmosphere
➧ other

          INTRO:    The first photo shows two young boys in a garden, probably near their house. They seem excited, so I believe they are enjoying the first snow of the season. In the second picture I can see a little girl in a beautiful dress. She is on a muddy road, having fun in a puddle.
          SIMILARITIES:    Both photos show children having fun in bad weather. In A, the boys are having a snow fight, throwing snowballs at each other, whereas in B, the girl is ruining her dress with mud. They are carefree, having fun despite the cold or mud. Judging by their expressions, I would say they are enjoying themselves.
          DIFFERENCES:    The obvious difference is the season. It is winter in this picture (A), but probably summer in this one (B). Also, they are dresses very differently. It think the boys might be twins, because they are wearing the same casual outfit. The girl, on the other hand, is wearing a fancy dress, so her mother won't be very happy with her.
          COMMENT:    I hate cold weather, so jumping in puddles woud be more fun for me. I think these pictures are from some fashion magazine, probably selling children's clothes.

Photo Description

Created: 22.05.2020

Photo Description (1,5 min)

Look at the pictures carefully and decide which one to describe. Pick the one that suits you better, where you will know what to talk about. Don't panic if you don't know the words for all the things in the picture. You can find the most important things in a dictionary, but you don't need to know the exact words for everything.
          The description should have a logical structure. You can follow the structure given in the instructions, but you don't have to. Don't jump randomly from one thing to another when describing. Start with a general description of the scene and then get into the details. Focus on the most important things in the picture.
          Create a story for the picture, talk about what happened before and what will happen after. You can finish the description with the general impression of the picture and the emotions connected to it. You can speculate about the picture and offer a personal comment. You can also speculate on why the picture was taken and how it will be used.
          When talking about details, mention interesting things. Use a lot of adjectives and adverbs to show a wide vocabulary. Don't waste time on describing simple things that won't earn you any points. Try to speak in longer sentences, give explanations and examples.
          Remember to use present tenses in the description. When describing what is and isn't in the picture, use present simple. When describing what is happening in the picture, use present continuous.

Useful Phrases

Introduction and General Description
In the picture, I can see... / There are...
The picture shows... / The photo shows...
It looks like a... / I think it is a... / I don't think that ...

In the centre, there is...
There are ... in the background. / ... in the foreground.
I can see some ... in the distance.
There is a ... on the left. / ... on the right.
... at the top. / ... at the bottom.
In the top left corner... / In the bottom right corner...

People and Activities
The man is facing the car.
The girl is looking at the sky.
He is sitting on the grass. / She is standing by the tent. / They are lying on the bed.
It seems as if they are looking... / It looks as if the people in the background are waiting...
She seems to be resting.
They look quite young.
The man wearing a yellow T-shirt is... / The woman in purple leggings seems to be watching... / The girt with a ponytail... / The boy who is holding a...

Speculating and Creating a Story
She is probably feeling relaxed.
I expect they are feeling anxious..., but maybe a bit excited.
Judging by her expression, I would say she is having a great time.
To me, they look as if they are feeling nervous.
I suppose that they will do some sightseeing while they are there.
There are a number of reasons why I believe this. First, ...
The reason I say that is ...
The main reason I feel this way is ...
I believe that the people are...
I suppose it's true to say that... / I'm not sure, really. Maybe...
It's most likely in the evening.
They are dancing or exercising or something like that.
She is the instructor, I would say. / I wold say that she is tired.
I can't be sure, but I would say that...
It could be that this girl is... / It is hard to say, but I think...
I am pretty certain that this man ...
It's clear that...
I guess...
Perhaps they are...

Personal Comment
To be honest, I wold never try abseiling.
For me, this activity seems quite boring.
I tried kayaking a while ago and I had the same experience.
In fact, this seems like a perfect example of...
As a matter of fact, It happened to me too.
In my opinion, this is a very nice magazine cover. / I imagine that this photo was taken for an advertisement.
As I see it, the photographer is an experienced professional, because...
In my view, the people in the picture...



Task One

Look at pictures 2A and 2B on the separate handout. Choose one of the pictures and describe it. The following ideas may help you:

➧ place (continent, country, culture)
➧ people (age, gender, clothes)
➧ activities
➧ things
➧ atmosphere
➧ other

          INTRO:    In the picture, I can see a young Asian girl holding a sickle. She is standing is a field of rice, maybe.
          PLACE:    The picture was probably taken in Asia, she could be from China. I think it is a warm summer late afternoon, because the field and the grass in the foreground are very green. The field seems huge and there is a forest in the background, so I believe they are in the countryside. I can't be sure, but I would say that it rained in the morning, because she is wearing rubber boots.
          PEOPLE:    The girl is maybe in her late 20s and wearing casual clothes. I don't think she works there, she doesn't look tired at all. She is probably a model posing for an advertisement.
          ACTIVITIES and THINGS:    She is holding a straw in her hand. She is pretending to want to cut it with the sickle, but I don't think she will. It is a hard job and she probably doesn't even know how to do it properly.
          ATMOSPHERE:    The atmosphere is relaxed. Judging by her expression, she is having fun. The sun is most likely quite low, because it makes her hair look golden brown.
          OTHER: The photographer did a great job with this lighting, the colours are bright and fresh. It's clear that they are both professionals, because the situation is actually quite silly, in my opinion.