Monday, 9 September 2019

New York Summary

Updated: 07.03.2020

New York Summary

River: Hudson
Population: 8,4 million (metropolitan area 22,6 million)
State: New York
Counties (Boroughs): Bronx, Kings (Brooklyn), Queens, New York (Manhattan), Richmond (Staten Island)
Founded: as a Dutch colony New Amsterdam in 1624, under British control in 1664, consolidated in a single city in 1898
Sights: Times Square, Brooklyn Bridge, Central Park, Statue of Liberty on Liberty Island, Empire State Building, Wall Street, Broadway Theatre District, UN Headquarters, Ellis Island

New York City is located on the East Coast, in the south-eastern New York State. With more than 8,4 million inhabitants, it is the most populous city and the most densely populated major city in the US. This megacity is also one of the most populous urban agglomerations in the world. It is a global power city, an important centre of international diplomacy and the cultural and financial centre of the world. It is also the home to the highest number of billionaires in the world.
          It consists of five boroughs, Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, Bronx and Staten Island and its climate is described as humid and subtropical. The city is noteworthy for its architecture, especially terraced rowhouses called brownstones. The modern city was created in 1898 and in 1904, the subway was opened and is one of the oldest in the world. In the 1920s, the economic boom started urbanization and the building of skyscrapers.
          The Statue of Liberty is an international symbol of freedom and peace, it was a gift from France, dedicated in 1886. Wall Street, home of the New York Stock Exchange, is the symbol of the Financial District of Lower Manhattan, the leading financial centre of the world. The terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 shocked the world. Brooklyn Bridge connects Brooklyn and Manhattan over the East River, it is one of the oldest roadway bridges in the US and the first steel-wire suspension bridge. Times Square is a major commercial intersection in the Midtown Manhattan, at the junction of Broadway and Seventh Avenue. The Theatre District contains many theatres, cinemas, recording and television studios, and also hotels and restaurants. The Empire State Building, completed in 1931, is a 102-story skyscraper build in Art Deco style and it was the world's tallest building for 40 years. St Patrick's Cathedral is a prominent Neo-Gothic landmark located in Midtown Manhattan.
          More than 800 languages are spoken in NYC, which makes it the most linguistically diverse city in the world. Over 120 colleges and universities are located in NYC, including Columbia University and Rockefeller University. The city has a complex park system, there are more than a thousand greenplaces. Central Park is the most visited urban park in the US and one of the most filmed locations in the world. Chocolate is the cities leading specialty-food export, with the Chocolate District in Brooklyn. Tourism is also a vital industry and a prominent location for the entertainment industry. The JFK Airport is an international airport in Queens, one of the busiest in the world.

Thursday, 5 September 2019

Personality & Feelings Vocabulary

Updated: 10.02.2020

Personality & Feelings Vocabulary

afraid (fear) - obávat se (strach)
ambitious - ctižádostivý
angry - rozzlobený
annoyed (annoying) - rozladěný, otrávený (otravný, protivný)
anxious (anxiety) - úzkosný, nervozní (úzkost)
argumentative - hádavý
arrogant - arogantní, namyšlený
ashamed (shame) - stydící se, zahanbený (ostuda)
bad- tempered
bored (boring) - znuděný (nudný)
bossy - panovačný
brave - statečný
calm - klidný
cheeky - drzý, troufalý
cheerful - veselý
clever - chytrý
confident - sebevědomý
confused - zmatený
crazy - šílený, bláznivý
creative - tvořivý
cross - naštvaný, podrážděný
delighted - potěšený, nadšený
depressed (depression) - v depresi (deprese)
determined - odhodlaný
disappointed - zklamaný
disgusted (disgusting) - znechucený (nechutný)
dishonest - nečestný
distracted - roztěkaný, nesoustředěný
dull - nezajímavý, nudný
easy-going - bezstarostný, tolerantní
embarrassed (embarrassing) - zahanbený, ztrapněný, v rozpacích (trapný)
emotional - emocionální, dojatý
energetic - aktivní, čilý
enthusiastic - nadšený
envious (envy) - závistivý (závist)
excited - nadšený, vzrušený
exhausted - vyčerpaný
experienced - zkušený
flexible - flexibilní, přizpůsobivý
frightened - vystrašený
generous - štědrý
gentle - jemný, mírný
grumpy - nevrlý
hard-working - tvrdě pracující
happy (happiness) - šťastný (štěstí)
honest (honesty) - čestný (čestnost, pravdomluvnost)
idealistic - idealistický, naivní
impatient - netrpělivý
impressive - působivý
intelligent - inteligentní
interested - zaujatý
jealous - žárlivý
kind - milý, laskavý
lazy - líný
loyal - věrný
mature - dospělý, zralý
mean - lakomý
messy - nepořádný
modest - skromný
moody - náladový
nasty - zlý, protivný, zákeřný
naughty - zlobivý, neposlušný, nemravný
nervous - nervozní
optimistic - optimistický
outgoing - společenský
passionate - vášnivý
patient (patience) - trpělivý (trpělivost)
pessimistic - pesimistický
pleasant - příjemný
polite - zdvořilý
practical - praktický
predictable - předvídatelný
proud (pride) - pyšný (pýcha)
punctual - dochvilný, přesný
quiet - tichý
realistic - realistický
rebellious - vzdorovitý, rebelující
reliable - spolehlivý
relieved - zbavený napětí, uvolněný
religious - nábožensky založený
responsible - zodpovědný
romantic - romantický
rude - neslušný, hrubý, drzý
sad (sadness) - smutný (smutek)
satisfied - spokojený
scared - vystrašený
selfish - sobecký
sensible - rozumný
sensitive - citlivý
serious - vážný
shocked - šokovaný
shy - stydlivý
sincere - upřímný
sociable - společenský, přátelský
stubborn - tvrdohlavý
surprised - překvapený
sympathetic - soucitný
talented - talentovaný
talkative - upovídaný
tired - unavený
thoughtful - ohleduplný, hloubavý
tolerant - tolerantní
unkind - nepříjemný, nemilý
upset - naštvaný, zklamaný, rozhozený
versatile - všestranný, nadaný
violent - násilný
warm - srdečný
weak - slabý
wise - moudrý
witty - vtipný, duchaplný
worried - dělat si starosti

Family, Relationships & Cycle of Life Vocabulary

Updated: 14.09.2020

Family, Relationships & Cycle of Life Vocabulary

acquaintance - známý
adolescence (adolescent) - dospívání (dospívající)
adult (grown up) - dospělý
ancestor - předek
argue / argument - hádka / hádat se
ask someone out - pozvat někoho na rande
aunt - teta
babysit (babysitter) - hlídat dítě (chůva)
bachelor - starý mládenec
be born - narodit se
be in a relationship - být ve vztahu
best man - svědek ženicha
boyfriend / girlfriend - přítel / přítelkyně
break up / split up - rozejít se (vztah)
bride - nevěsta
bridemaid - družička
bring someone up - vychovat
centenarian - stoletý člověk
child / children - dítě / děti
childhood - dětství
childless - bezdětný
community - komunita, společenství
couple - pár
cousin - bratranec, sestřenice
date - rande / randit
die / pass away - zemřít
descendant - potomek
divorce (divorced) - rozvod (rozvedený, rozvedená)
divorced - rozvedený
eldest - nejstarší
engagement (engaged) - zasnoubení (zasnoubená, zasnoubený)
ex- (ex-husband, ex-girlfriend) - bývalý
extended family - širší rodina
fall in love - zamilovat se
family name / surname - příjmení
father-in-law - tchán
fiancé (fiancée) - snoubenec (snoubenka)
first name - jméno
full name - celé jméno
generation - generace
generation gap - mezigenerační rozdíly
give birth - porodit
grandparent (grandfather) - prarodič (dědeček)
great-grandparent (great-grandmother) - praprarodič (prababička)
(bride)groom - ženich
grow old - zestárnout
grow up - vyrůst
husband - manžel
immediate family, nuclear family - nejbližší příbuzní
in-laws (mother-in-law) - příbuzní přes sňatek (tchýně)
infant - malé dítě, nemluvně
inherit - zdědit
lifespan - délka života
love at first sight - láska na první pohled
married - ženatý, vdaná
mate - kámoš
maternity leave - mateřská dovolená
member - člen
middle-aged - ve středním věku
middle name - druhé rodné jméno
mistress - milenka
mother-in-law - tchýně
nephew - synovec
neighbour - soused, sousedka
niece - neteř
official - oficiílní
only child - jedináček
orphan - sirotek
parent - rodič
pass away - zemřít
pregnant - těhotná
relatives (close relatives) - příbuzní (blízcí příbuzní)
retire (retired) - odejít do důchodu (v důchodu)
settle down - usadit se
single - svobodný, nezadaný
spinster - stará panna
split up - rozejít se (manželé)
spouse - manžel, manželka
start a family - založit rodinu
step (stepfather) - nevlastní (nevlastní otec)
take after someone - podobat se někomu, být po někom
teenager - náctiletý
toddler - batole
twins - dvojčata
uncle - strýc
widow - vdova
widower - vdovec
wife - manželka

Family Relationships

          We add -in-law for relationships from a marriage.
father-in-law (tchán)     mother-in-law (tchýně)      brother-in-law (švagr)     sister-in-law (švagrová)     daughter-in-law (snacha)     son-in-law (zeť)

          We add step for relationships from remarriage.
stepmother (nevlastní matka)     stepsister (nevlastní sestra)

          We add great- to refer to the generation before.
great-grandfather (pradědeček)      great-uncle (prastrýc)


We get on well with each other. We have a good relationship. - Vycházíme spolu dobře. Máme dobrý vztah.
They don't see eye to eye. They disagree and argue a lot. - Oni si nerozumí. Často spolu nesouhlasí a hádají se.
I have fallen out with my parents again. - Zase jsem se pohádal s rodiči.
They have broken up / split up. - Oni se rozešli.
He is having an affair with his boss. - On je v tajném vztahu se svým šéfem.
She is my junior. I am her senior. / I am senior to her. - Ona je mladší (podřízená). Já jsem starší než ona (jsem jí nadřízený).
We used to be close friends, but he moved away when his parents got divorced. - Bývali jsme blízkými přáteli, ale odstěhoval se, když se jeho rodiče rozvedli.

Tuesday, 3 September 2019

Washington DC Summary

Updated: 19.03.2020


Washington DC Summary

River: Potomac
Population: 705 thousand (metropolitan area 6,2 million)
Federal district: District of Columbia (DC)
Founded: 1791 by the Residence Act of 1790
Sights: Washington Mall, the Capitol, Washington Monument, the White House, Lincoln Memorial, National Cathedral, the Smithsonian Institution, the National Archives, the Library of Congress
Fact: governed by the Congress, not part of any state
Not in the city: Pentagon, the headquarters of the Department of Defense, situated in Arlington County, Virginia

Washington DC is a federal district under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Congress and it is not a part of any state. It is situated on the Potomac River, on the East Coast, between the states of Virginia and Maryland. The city it the capital of the US and the official residence of all three branches of the federal government.
          The National Mall commonly refers to the area between the Lincoln Memorial on the west and east to the US Capitol grounds and it is divided by the Washington Monument in the centre. The US Congress meets in the Capitol Building, located on Capitol Hill at the eastern end of the National Mall. The official residence the President is the White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW. The first president to live there was John Adams, because the White House was completed a year after George Washington died. The Supreme Court meets in the Supreme Court Building, east of the Capitol, at 1 First Street, NE.
          There are many iconic sights in the area of the National Mall, especially memorials. The most famous it probably the Washington Monument, an obelisk built to commemorate George Washington, it is the tallest obelisk in the world. The Lincoln Memorial honors the 16th President, Abraham Lincoln, it is a Greek temple with a huge seated sculpture. The Jefferson Memorial is a neoclassical building with a standing bronze statue of Jefferson and a panel with excerpts from the Declaration of Independence. There are also the National WWII Memorial, the Korean War Veterans Memorial and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.
          The city was founded in 1791 to serve as the new national capital and planned by a French-born architect, Pierre (Peter) Charles L'Enfant. It was named after George Washington, the first President and a Founding Father of the US. Today, it is the 20th most populous city in the US.
          The city is one of the most visited cities in the world, more than 20 million tourists annually, tourism is the second largest industry of the district. The city has about 19% of parkland, there are 24 national parks within the district. By law, the city's skyline is low, the tallest structure is the Washington Monument, 169m.
          The district has growing industries of professional and business service jobs and 25% of its citizens are employed by a federal governmental agency. Many law firms, defense contractors, nonprofit organisations and professional associations have their headquarters near or within Washington DC. There are also growing industries connected to education, finance and scientific research.

National Mall